Wednesday, September 2, 2009

I'm not a food stylist

So the plan has been to share some of my diet/point-friendly recipes in this blog. The problem is that I'm not writing a cookbook, and I am not cooking just for the heck of making a recipe. So what I intend to share will be primarily what I plan to eat. Unfortunately, I seem to forget that little piece of information every time I create something worthy of posting, and I eat it before I get a chance to take a picture!

For whatever reason, the little sandwich I assembled today happened to find its way into my camera before it found its way into my mouth. Do you know how hard it is to photograph food? I must have snapped two dozen pictures of it before I could take the wait no longer and had to devour it.

I love watching Food Network, and recently they had a food stylist challenge. It was pretty neat to see some of the tricks they used to make food look perfect for photographs in magazines and cookbooks. They would put stuff underneath the food to prop it up and make noodles and such lay perfectly. They even use strange and non-edible ingredients (like WD 40) in cooking the foods to make them "behave" in a way that photographed better.

Well, I am no food stylist, and you can rest assured that the pictures that I post in this blog are exactly as they are to be eaten. And in fact, such as with the sandwich from today, the picture is taken only moments before I eat it.

Without further ado, today's lunch:

Ham and Apple Sandwich, 4 points

1 Oroweat Sandwich Thin, multi-grain (1)
1 slice Sargento light provolone cheese (1)
3 very thin slices of granny smith apple (0)
4-6 slices of packaged light deli honey ham (some are 4 slices per serving, some 6--based on thickness) (1)
2 leaves lettuce (0)
1 tb honey mustard spread (recipe follows) (1)

Spread half the honey mustard spread on each half of the sandwich thin. Starting with the bottom piece, assemble in the following order: lettuce, cheese, ham, and apple slices. Top with top half of bread.

For the spread, mix together: 1/2 ts honey, 1 ts dijon mustard, and 2 ts light mayo.

I ate the sandwich with 1 oz of Baked Lays for 2 points and a Claussen Kosher Dill spear for free. It was delicious and satisfying, but I think it might be great grilled and served warm with the cheese melted. Next time, I will ditch the lettuce and flip the sandwich thins to expose the cut sides on the outside. I'll spray them with Pam and pop on my George Foreman to make a panini-style sandwich.

Gawd! My mouth is watering just thinking about it!


  1. lol made my mouth water too... I'm hungry.

  2. Here is a place to get free backgrounds for your blog Misty. Easy to use too.
