I don't suppose that anyone embarks on a major life-changing journey, such as losing a large amount of weight, without hitting some bumps in the road. I have recently hit such a bump. Clearly, I haven't been posting as many updates here to the blog. And I have alluded to the fact that I have recently experienced some difficult times.
This past summer was very difficult for me. And since then, fall hasn't been all that much easier too. It is just that there has been so much change in my life that I feel a little less in control. My son went off to college; he comes home on the weekends, but it is still a very major turning point in life. I recently had surgery, and the recovery period was a huge thwart to my weight-loss regime. Having been put out of working out for 4 weeks really threw off my groove. I have struggled getting back into things.
Around this same time, my Weight Watcher leader from my Monday morning meetings was relocated to another center, and we have had a new leader. I'm sure she's a perfectly lovely person, but I just can't get into the meetings she leads. Then if that wasn't enough, my aunt, who is also my WW buddy, has a schedule conflict, and those Monday meetings started to become difficult for her, so she is attending a different center at at different time. I have visited that center a few times now, and I can't seem to get into that one either. I don't like all this change.
And now, I'm facing another major life change, and this is probably a pretty big answer to the question of why I'm having trouble staying on program these days. My husband and I are divorcing. It is okay; you don't need to feel bad for us. It is a good thing, and it has been a long time coming, but even knowing that does not make the process any less tumultuous.
I'm sharing this because in the grand scheme of things, I do believe I will get back on track and make things work. And I think it is good to realize that life will throw us curve balls, and that we can work through them and be successful.
I really don't want to let all my hard work get away from me. I have come so far. I need to just do it. It is not difficult to stay on program. I just need a little ass-kicking to get me back into things.