As I had mentioned a couple of posts back, my current challenge has been to be at a weight of 165 by 6/21 (the first day of Summer). Well, that day was yesterday, and I am pleased to report that not only did I meet that goal (1 week early!) I passed it quite well. As of yesterday, I am now 161.6, which represents a total loss of 67 pounds since I started July 13, 2009!
So I now need to set myself another mini goal. The number is easy: 75 lbs. It is the date I can't come up with. There has been a significant date or event for each of my mini goals thus far. Looking towards the future keeps me motivated, so it is not simply the number I like to focus on. Moreover, what kind of goal has no set parameters? I do like to make the goal realistic, about a pound a week average, but with a little push to make me have to work for it, but not so difficult that I end up setting myself up for failure. 153.6 is 8lbs away. 8 weeks from 6/21 is August 16. Nothing significant about that date...except that is the date my Home Depot bill is due before interest accrues. But, alas, I have already paid that off.
As I ponder these dates, I am struck by the reality of what I am doing: in the early days of this blog, I stated that I would be surprised to ever see 150 again, and here I am planning when I'll be nearing that milestone.
This realization has tears welling up in my eyes. When I started back on 7/13/09, I did not really believe I could do this. Now, the question I find myself asking is no longer if I can do it. The question is when.