Tomorrow I'm hosting bunko, and I went to a local Mexican restaurant today to pick up some salsa to serve with the dinner I will be providing. They have the best salsa--so much better than anything you can buy in the store. Anyway, it was close to lunch time, and people were ordering chimichangas and tacos and enchiladas...I wanted to have one of each so badly that I thought I would die.
On the Weight Watchers program, you really can have just about anything you want, provided you have the points to work it in. But those plates of Mexican food--all hot and cheesy and saucy and greasy...well, I'd have to just about use all my daily points as well as my additional weekly points (which I try not to use) to fit it in. Yes, I could have a carne asada taco on an un-fried tortilla, and don't get me wrong, those are delicious too, but when I want a plate of molten cheese and grease, that dry-ish taco is simply not going to fill the void.
I did prevail, however. I did not give in to the temptation. No. I went home and ate a left-over skinless piece of chicken and some rice for a satisfying 7 points.
Incidentally, no points are earned for not giving in to temptation.