Tuesday, September 22, 2009

I did it

...I went back to the gym.

If you recall, I have been very hesitant to go back. It is like returning to the scene of the crime. I am so afraid I'll have a return of my weight-loss-block. Yes, that's what we'll call it.

But last night, I bit the bullet and returned with a new playlist in my ipod and a new combination padlock in my hand. I can't remember the combinations to the half-dozen old padlocks I have scattered about this house, so I had to make a stop at the store and pick up a new one. This time I put the combination in a safe place, and I'm not telling lest there be thieves waiting in the wings to snatch my Coach bag from my locker!

I like to do my cardio in a rotation of 3 machines: the treadmill, a stationary bike, and the elliptical. I used to start off on the treadmill to warm up, and I used to do 25 minutes to start there until my feet got bad. Then I would still start on the treadmill, but I'd limit it to only 10 minutes for a warm-up. After my warm-up on the treadmill, I'd move to the bike and do anywhere from 12 to 20 minutes there--basically until the elliptical that I like would become available. Then I'd go as long as I could, and finish up with a 5 minute cool-down on the treadmill.

Well, last night, there was no getting on a treadmill. Who knew the place would be so packed at 8:00pm?! So I started on the stationary bike. I thought it would be hard warming up there, but actually it wasn't bad. The plus was that I didn't have to put so much pressure on my arches. Anyway, I did 12 minutes at level 4; then, my favorite elliptical was available (I don't know; I think it has better hydraulics. It just seems to have a more fluid motion in my opinion.) I did 25 minutes there; then went back to the bike for 8 minutes and finished with a 5 minute cool-down on the treadmill. I think it was a great work-out and that I did quite well for having not been back for so many months.

Between all the machines I burned 400 calories. It only translated to 3 activity points on my points tracker, though.

So anyway, I guess I'm back. Let's see if this works. I'm also scheduled to work-out with a trainer this coming Friday. This one is supposed to have some certification for rehabilitative work, so maybe he can help me with my chronic pain. I'll go in Wednesday too, so that I'll get another day in!

Stand back, everyone...I'm goin' in!

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