Monday, September 7, 2009

A difficult yet triumphant week

This week was not easy.

My sister got married on Friday, so I had to try hard to stay focused and not give in to dangerous food temptations. Actually, I was mostly worried about wanting to have a few drinks and the calories that come with alcoholic beverages. But I was very good. I only had one glass of wine. I think the real help there was the fact that I was with my husband and kids, and the setting really wasn't one that tempted me to drink a lot. If I had been with my girlfriends, or if everyone else had been drinking a lot, it probably would have been harder, but the truth is that I really didn't want any more than the one glass of wine.

The dinner was great. They served lasagna with salad and breadsticks and steamed veggies. The lasagna was portioned in perfect squares, and there was a 2-tablespoon ladle in the salad dressing (excellent for portion control!) I gave half of my breadstick to my bottomless-pit, starving teenage son, so that took care of half the calories in that one. Bread is one of those things that I have really worked on keeping in-check this time around. It is very easy to mindlessly consume a lot of it, and yet, I have found it surprisingly easy to limit my intake of unnecessary extra bread. It seems even a small piece can satisfy that craving.

Luckily, I was served a nice small sliver of wedding cake. Gawd! It was decadent and delicious: Tender white cake (my favorite!)... Fluffy, sugary frosting.... A glorious red ribbon of raspberry jelly... It was a small piece, but I savored every last bite of it!

By the end of the wedding, I determined that I had gone over my daily points by about 5. For those of you who are familiar with Weight Watchers, you know that this is not a lot, as we are given a weekly points allowance of 35 for just such occasions.

So that was not my only challenging situation this week. Yesterday, I went to the LA County Fair. And as you all know, "a fair is a veritable smorgasbord-orgasbord-orgasbord." (Don't tell me you don't remember Templeton from Charlotte's Web. And I mean the original animated version from 26 years ago.) Everything you can imagine is available fried and on a stick. Actually, though, I'm not really tempted by most of the novelty fried items. Regardless, a fair excursion is still a gastronomic tour.

I have to admit, I did quite well and still was able to enjoy myself! I did have a I had a beef tri-tip sandwich of which I ate only the larger half, and ;later, I had a barbecued corn-on-the-cob. My girlfriends ate some deep-fried mini donuts, and I ate only one. I also managed to snag a few pieces of their onion blossom, but only a few. The one thing that I wish I hadn't gotten was the 10 lb bun. This is a large, thick slice of bread that they top with garlic butter, cheese, and pizza-like toppings. I ordered the one with tomato slices, onions, and basil. I only ordered the half slice, and one of my friends ate about 1/3 of that, so while it was still a frugal portion, it was primarily bread.

So, as you may recall, Mondays are my weigh-in day. I got up really nervous about my weigh-in. Between the wedding and the fair, even though I exercised much restraint, they both were splurges. The Weight Watchers centers are closed today for the holiday, so I'm unable to go to my 8:30 am meeting. The good thing is, though, my scale at home tends to have my naked weight the same as my clothed weight at Weight Watchers.

I thought for sure that it would show that I gained two pounds. But I still lost 1.5 lbs this week!

Today also marks the 8th week since I started back on Weight Watchers. I've been taking my measurements every 4 weeks, and today I am down a total of 8.75 inches since July 13!



  1. So, you have lost about 16 pounds then? Wow, you make me want to do WW,I just don't know if I'd be smart enough to figure the point stuff..
    Keep up the good work Misty,you are doing great! Are you working out also?

  2. Debi,
    The point stuff is very easy. You get a slider, and they also have a calculator. Plus there is an entire database of food points for just about every food under the sun.

    It really is easy. It wouldn't be so widely used if it was difficult. :)
